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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rent-a-womb tourism

As per the India’s new draft law, Assisted Reproductive Technology (regulation) Bill 2014, only Indian couples or a foreigner married to an Indian citizen can opt for paid surrogacy. By using the word couple, whether homosexuals and people in a live-in relationship are excluded by passing the Bill? Whether this will be in conflict with other provisions of law?  

India will be no longer a fertility tourism hot spot! But there is a positive side to this. As reported in the media, ruthless exploitation of the surrogate mothers rampant in some part of the country, will be curtailed. There is a need for strong regulation to prevent any unethical practices, including responsibility for post-delivery complications. Breakers of the law should be prosecuted and put behind bars. Women’s rights group must take active lead in ensuring strict regulation to protect surrogate mothers rights and bring-in awareness of the health risks.          

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