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Friday, December 10, 2010

Accept binding emission cuts and save the world-Cancun Climate Summit

India is still considered as a developing country. In Cancun climate Change Summit, India indicated that it is not averse in accepting legally binding emission cuts in anytime in the future. As per the Kyoto Protocol, only the developed countries are required to take emission cuts. However, the US was averse to accept the mandate and in fact, persuading developing countries like India and China to take on the commitments for emission reduction.

It is obvious that the large emerging economies like China and India are going to add considerable amount of Green House Gases (GHG) into the environment in the process of further industrialization and poverty alleviation measures. Due to the large population the emission per-capita GDP may be much smaller as compared to the developed countries, but the total emissions are going to be considerable.

Considering the climate change concerns of many small island nations, it is appropriate that all nations, including US, India and China should be more flexible and workout a realistic and legally binding emission cuts so that the potential environmental impacts of the climate change, such as floods, sea level rise, bio-diversity losses, reduced food production, etc are considerably reduced. Fossil fuel-based power plants should be replaced by environmental-friendly clean energy sources such as solar, wind and nuclear. Save the world from watery grave for some more years.

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