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Friday, March 28, 2008

Climate change and CO2 level

Many scientists say that the recent harsh global winter witnessed around the world in no way undermines the enormous body of evidence pointing to a warming world with disrupted weather patterns. If one considers IPCC's view that a doubling of CO2 will result in a warming likely to be in the range 2 to 4.5°C with a best estimate of about 3°C, it is long time before we witness that type of concentration rise. However, as per some UN report, a 2-degree rise in temperature would result in 15-17%fall in rise and wheat yields. This is matter of grave concern since we need to grow more and more food crops to feed ever increasing population growth in under-developed and developing countries.

As per some reported data there is 30 ppm (380 ppm – 350 ppm) rise in the measured atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration between 1990 and 2006. There is a tendency in the relationship to be linear-quadratic and all efforts need to be made to keep the linear relationship for the concentration vs time. Let us look seriously at all the possibilities and techniques, including reforestation and use of seaweed and algae to remove CO2 from the environment/ocean waters.

However, it is unscientific to blame the CO2 level alone to the present climate change. Natural events are also taking place periodically and results in warming and cooling of the environment. Every citizen of the world is looking at the United Nations Organization to make realistic assessment of the environmental impact of the greenhouse gas concentrations in the air and the extent of the warming caused. Is the warming so caused is only responsible for the climate change?

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