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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Global warming or cooling?

The climate change which we are witnessing today is presumed to be due to the global warming caused by man-made activities and resulting emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as carbon dioxide. Billions of US dollars were spent on the so-called research in the field of climate change supposed to have caused by global warming.

World over, winter in 2007-08 was very severe. China had its coldest winter in 100 years. Bagdad saw its first snow in all history. North America had the most snow cover in 50 years. The normally warm city like Mumbai in India witnessed record low temperature for the month of February this year. Northern India is under the spell of record low temperatures and snow-falls.

There was a news flash in the Indian daily ”The Times of India”, which I quote here: “Wither global warming? New data challenges theory”. It is reported that the data released by four major global temperature tracking outlets (Hadleys, Nasa’s GISS, UAH and RSS) show that over the past year, global temperatures have dropped precipitously. The total amount of cooling, over the period under consideration, ranged from 0.65 degreeC up to 0.75degreeC – a value, an expert says, large enough to wipe out nearly all the warming recorded over the past 100 years. Hundreds of people might have died, not by global warming, but from cold weather hazards.

The so-called highly developed countries are using the gimmick of “greenhouse gas” to thwart the efforts of some developing countries to industrialize and come in par with the developed countries, and threaten their own position globally. Ultimately, it will be proved that the climate changes witnessed in the recent past are not due to the global warming, but simply natural cyclic events which will pass off.

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