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Saturday, July 28, 2007


Every one of us, including the government and even the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change downplayed the imminent danger of the earth being perilously close to the dramatic climate change which is being currently witnessed worldwide. We are witnessing unprecedented heat waves and huge fires in Europe, worst kind of floods in England, China, and elsewhere. It is reported that the panel predicted sea level increase between 18 and 59 centimetres due to the melting of glaciers and polar ice sheets.

Intervention at the international level, not less than United Nations, can only save the earth from this gravest threat of climate change. Reliable monitoring for the greenhouse gas levels and the temperature measurements of the atmosphere need to be carried out independently and remedial measures should be taken up on war footing. In addition to doling out money to the developing countries as carbon credits, the so called developed countries should themselves reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels stipulated by Kyoto Protocol. The deadline should be not by 2012 and it should be achieved by 2008.

One more question that is in the back of everybody’s mind is: Whether emission of greenhouse gases is only responsible for global warming? Any comments?

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