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Sunday, June 3, 2007


G-8 Summit, that is the group of 8 Industrialized Countries, is on the way in Germany. India and China are the two out of the five invitees to the summit. The countries are also the rapidly growing economies in the world today. As reported, the US is emitting more greenhouse gases than the emissions from the two countries combined! Again, US will use the arm-twisting technique (the way it is trying in nuclear deal) to force India to control its emissions. One has to watch and see whether India is bold enough to say: let US mind its own business and first curtail its own greenhouse gas emissions as per the Kyoto Protocol. Every nation has a right to develop and improve its standards of living.

If at all the emissions have to be curtailed on industrialization, let the so called developed and industrialized nations provide the clean technology to developing nations to process the environmental releases so that greenhouse gas emissions are under control. It should be provided free for countries which can not afford the technology.

Global goal should be to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and delay the frightening global warming scenarios as long as possible.

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