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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Living longer is not a big deal?

It is reported that average life expectancy in India is up by 4.6 years in the decade ending 2008. Life expectancy of women in now 67.7 years and that of men is 64.6 years. This increase can be broadly attributed to the improvement in the healthcare and the overall feel-good situation amongst the population, financially or otherwise.

There are also undesirable incidences of senior citizens, most of them with nothing much to do and suffering from depression, caused by over-ambitious, career-minded children not treating them well resulting in them loosing mental balance and feeling utterly help-less. The numbers of senior citizen suicide rates in mega cities are increasing!   

The government should wake up to this reality and should have a national policy to utilize the treasury of experience and knowledge accumulated over the years, in the fields of education / training and involve them in societal welfare projects.