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Monday, August 2, 2010

Food Allergy Warnings

ISO 22000 is the Standard developed by International Organization for Standardization dealing with food safety and hotels with this certification is supposed to have an allergen policy. These hotels are required to put-up a list of allergens on the Food Counters and on the Menu. Many people around the globe are allergic to many food items, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian, and on consumption of these items the persons are likely to develop serious health problems which lead to fatality.

It is essential that the people are aware of the ingredients in the food they are consuming. Allergy warnings need to be displayed on the food packages.

In India, majority of people are not yet sensitized about the food allergy or food intolerance aspects. Due to lack of understanding, they consume the food items containing the allergens in eateries and fall sick. Even the general physicians may not have sufficient knowledge to treat such patients. It is time that we should wake up to this reality, create database on food allergens and sensitize common man and the doctors about the allergens and management of the affected patients.